Welcome to the Ouruhia Web site, where we discuss the effects of electromagnetic radiation, EMR, on the health of Ouruhia residents and animals from a AM transmitter which had FM transmitters added. Ouruhia research, and sharing information, inc the similar mobile phone or cellphone issue.. June 2003 A Review of the New Zealand Radiation Protection legislation is underway, and with the current power crises we might get drawn into the powerline debate, meantime several new websites have been created including Dr Neil Cherry and Dr Andrew Marino’ s research, Canadian advocates, Salzburg Resolution and FRIEBURG APPEAL Cellphone information has been moved here. October 2002 An Evaluation of the Possible Risks From Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs) From Power Lines, Internal Wiring, Electrical Occupations and Appliances this Risk Evaluation of the 60 hertz magnetic field took nine years and cost over $7 million. The final report provides an evaluation of the animal, laboratory and human evidence that shows how exposure to 50/60 Hz magnetic fields may or may not increase human health risks, based on the results of published research studies, with emphasis on new studies, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Working Group Report, and the results of the California EMF Program Studies. All three of the DHS scientists were inclined to believe that EMF’s can cause some degree of increased risk of childhood leukemia, adult brain cancer, Lou Gehrig's Disease, and miscarriage. All three scientists were "close to the dividing line between believing and not believing" that EMFs cause some degree of increased risk of suicide, or For adult leukemia, two of the scientists are "close to the dividing line between believing or not believing" and one was "prone to believe" that EMF’s cause some degree of increased risk." September 2001 Report commissioned by Ralph Ross, Chairman, and Terry Wilkinson of Christchurch Combined Residents Assn. by Penny Hargreaves with recommendations from Dr Neil Cherry, released, titled Hidden Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation from Communication Towers, Power Lines and Cellphones in response to the Government Document titled "National guidelines for managing the effects of radiofrequency transmitters." August 2000 Ouruhia Residents vs. Christchurch City Council & The Radio Network, TRN, was in the Environment Court June 1999. As TRN evidence took longer than time allotted, the case was to continue 31st August, when we were able to bring out from Switzerland Prof. T Abelin (M.D., M.P.H.) to discuss his research, on the “Health Effects from Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation on the People and Animals living near the Schwazenburg Radio Transmitter”, and his subsequent findings of improved Melatonin levels and sleep patterns since the AM transmitter was closed down. TRN settled out of court, removing consent for 3 of the 4 FM. 1 FM and 2 AM stations continue to transmit from Ouruhia and more transmissions are being added to powerful transmitters within 6Km, in close proximity to schools and a densely populated urban area. We are continuing to crusade for safer sites to be used, and further health research in the area given that in the conclusion of Ouruhia Health Study by Dr Bruce Hocking (see later) he states “The survey also found that the majority with a medical basis had onset of their symptoms after 1991 (when regular FM transmissions began), and two had onset before then. Of the minority group of cases which could relate to RFR, one possibly had onset before FM transmissions, which shows the possible role of AM in symptoms should not be overlooked, and there are experimental reasons to consider AM in all this group.”
Applicable Medical Research For background on what has been happening in Ouruhia please read the following article written for NZine by Jacqueline Steincamp: Electromagnetic Radiation - Out Ouruhia Way For information on the investigation please read:
Electromagnetic Radiation - Report On Ouruhia Health Concerns Further information on electromagnetic radiation: NZine Articles:
ElectroMagnetic Radiation - The Damage And Reducing The Impact Other:
Plain Communications EMR Information Site
Russian Research Abelin T. E.S., Krebs, Th., Pfluger, D.H., von Kanel, J., Blattmann, R.(1995) "Study of health effects of Shortwave Transmitter Station of Schwarzenburg, Berne, Switzerland". University of Berne, Institute for Social and Preventative Medicine. Sleep disturbances 5:1 psychological illnesses 4:1 cancer, all kinds, 3:1, diabetes 2:1 which may have come out, if investigated. Only the living population was included in the study, causes of death and life expectancy were never clarified. Der Skandal von Schwarzenburg nimmt kein Ende Alles reine Einbildung, oder die Kuhflüsterer Der Sender brennt! Abelin, T., (1999): "Sleep disruption and melatonin reduction from exposure to a shortwave radio signal". Seminar at Canterbury Regional Council, New Zealand. August 1999. Adey, W.Ross M.D, "Electromagnetic fields, the modulation of brain tissue functions - A possible paradigm shift in biology." And "Brain interactions with RF/microwave fields generated by mobile phones."International Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Third Edition; B. Smith and G. Adelman, editors Elsevier, New York. Balode Z (1996). Assessment of radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation by the micronucleus test in Bovine peripheral erythrocytes. Sci Total Environ, 180, 81. Dolk, H., Shaddick, G., Walls, P., Grundy, C., Thakrar, B., Kleinschmidt, I.,Elliott, P., (1997): "Cancer incidence near radio and television transmitters in Great Britain, I - Sutton-Colfield transmitter". American J. of Epidemiology, 145(1):1-9. Garaj-Vrhovac V, Horvat D and Koren Z (1990). Comparison of chromosome aberration and micronucleus induction in human lymphocytes after occupational exposure to vinyl chloride monomer and microwave radiation. Periodicum Biologorium, 92, 411. Goldsmith, J.R.,(1997): "Epidemiologic evidence relevant to radar (microwave) effects". Environmental Health Perspectives, 105 (Suppl 6): 1579-1587. Hocking, B., Gordon, I.R., Grain, H.L., Hatfield, G.E., (1996): "Cancer incidence and mortality and proximity to TV towers". Medical Journal of Australia, Vol 165, 2/16 December, pp 601-605. Johansson O, Liu P-Y, Enhamre A, Wetterberg L, "A case of extreme and general cutaneous light sensitivity in combination with so-called 'screen dermatitis' and 'electrosensitivity' - a successful rehabilitation after vitamin A treatment - a case report", J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med 1999; 18:13-16 Johnson-Liakouris, A.J. (1998) "Radiofrequency Sickness in the Lilienfeld Study: an effect of modulated microwaves". Arch Environ Heath 53(3):236-238. Lai H. Singh NP. ‘Acute exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field increases DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells”. Bioelectromagnetics. 18:156-65, 1997. Lilienfeld, A.M., Tonascia, J., and Tonascia S., Libauer, C.A., and Cauthen, G.M., (1978): "Foreign Service health status study - evaluation of health status of foreign service and other employees from selected eastern European posts". Final Report Maskarinec, G. Cooper, J., Swygert, L., (1994): "Investigation of increased incidence in childhood leukemia near radio towers in Hawaii: Preliminary observations"J. Environ Pathol Toxicol and Oncol 13: 33-37. Robinette, C.D., Silverman, C. and Jablon, S., 1980: "Effects upon health of occupational exposure to microwave radiation (radar)". American Journal of Epidemiology, 112: 39-53, 1980. Selvin, S., Schulman, J., Merrill, D.W.,(1992): "Distance and risk measures for the analysis of spatial data: a study of childhood cancers". Soc. Sci. Med., 34: 769 777. 11 families from Porat village filed a lawsuit to the magistrate's court in Tel Aviv against Bezeq broadcast authority, guilty for the cancer disease which the plaintiffs got. Investigation of about 200 families, found that 60 people got cancer, and 25 died from the disease. The village is located about 1.5 km from the short-wave and long wave radio broadcast transmitter station, "Hillel", which transmitted high radiation levels. A new report about the illness situation in the nearby Zoran village, located 230 meters from the antennas, exposes hundreds of cases of miscarriages, headaches, 85% suffer from eye problems, 15% reported repeating eye infections, 75% memory and concentration problems, cancers, sleep disturbances and other diseases. Prof Yossi Lesing, "The early miscarriages frequency is 17% from the pregnancies.”
ICNIRP standard
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